Official Language | Kyrgyz |
Capital | Bishkek |
Currency | Kyrgyzstani Som |
Literacy rate | 99.5% |
Population | 62 lakhs |
Time Difference from India | Kyrgyzstan is 30 minutes ahead of India |
Travel time from Delhi to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan | 6-7 hours direct flight |
MBBS in Kyrgyzstan Tuition Fees | Approx. US$ 14000-20000 |
Type of colleges | Both Private & Government |
Duration of MBBS | 5 years |
Medium of Instruction | English and Kyrgyz. Some colleges are Bilingual |
Kyrgyzstan is geographically located as under. Kazakhstan in the north, Uzbekistan to the west, Tajikistan to the southwest and people's republic of in east. Bishkek is the capital of Kyrgyzstan. It is a very nice city and is the biggest city of Kyrgyzstan having international airports, tall buildings with modern amenities international airports and connectivity to all the parts of Kyrgyzstan. Its population is around 1.30 million. Kyrgyzstan has an area of 76,500 square miles.
The country is surrounded by mountains and valleys .the country high temperatures, Hot and Dry winds. Krysten is a democratic country it has all the 3 organs of democracy that is the legislature, judiciary, and parliament.
University Name | Course Duration | Tuition Fees/Year | FULL PACKAGE |
International School of Medicine, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic | 5 Years | 4940 USD | 17,29,000 INR |
Kyrgyz State Medical University, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic | 5 Years | 6860 USD | 24,01,000 INR |
Asian School of Medicine, Kant, Kyrgyz Republic | 6 Years | 3050 USD | 12,81,000 INR |
Jalalabad State Medical University, Jalalabad, Kyrgyz Republic | 5 Years | 3350 USD | 11,75,040 INR |
Osh State medical University, Osh, Kyrgyz Republic | 5 Years | 3750 USD | 13,12,400 INR |
Kyrgyzstan is the most suitable place to study MBBS for those Indian students of the middle-income group who want to complete their medical education (MBBS) with a standard university along with the economic cost. The cost of education in Kyrgyzstan is less than Indian collages and quite affordable. The Medium of study is English. All the listed medical universities are recognized by MCI and each year thousands of students go to study MBBS in Kyrgyzstan. The climate of Kyrgyzstan is similar to the north Indian climate. The medical degree of/ MBBS in Kyrgyzstan is globally recognized. It is acknowledged by MCI, WHO, UK, USA, and Canada, etc. Students are happy in Kyrgyzstan since they get Indian food apart from locally produced food. Indian cook and catering services are available in many medical universities of Kyrgyzstan medical collage
Students are taught in Advanced teaching patterns. All the medical colleges have advanced libraries, laboratories and they are equipped with modern technology and machines. Medical infrastructure is quite good students are trained in a better atmosphere having a good quality of life and classrooms the library is full of English books and their local language books. One can choose the language of his/her choice and accordingly once can use the books from the languages. Most prevalent system of study in English and students from different country follows the English system mainly
Unlike in India where we have around 30 to 40 students in a class. the ratio between the teacher and students study MBBS in Kyrgyzstan is much lower that is 1: 12 of maximum 14. Students are getting the sufficient attention of their professors' teaching systems is important in verbal as well as written form. Likewise, their examination is also conducted in the same manner.
The degree given by the medical university of Kyrgyzstan is an MD physician which is equivalent to MBBS in India. The degree is recognized by MCI, WHO and also by the ministry of education, Kyrgyzstan. the duration is study is 5 years which is the correct duration according to the top the WHO norms.
You will be needing the following documents to pursue MBBS in Kyrgyzstan
Reiducation is a leading organization having vast experience of 25 years in the field of medical admissions we provide all necessary information and guidelines of each country desired by the students. Or the consultancy program is quite intensive and all necessary materials including brochure, pamphlet, and written literature are provided to the students who come to enquire about the admission procedure.